
Mini-Mores and Flying Claymores

The mini-more is the late 21st century version of the Vietnam war-era Claymore mine. Improvements in explosives formulation and technology have resulted in a weapon that is lighter and less bulky without any reduction in effect. The focussing of the blast force is better controlled, resulting in a reduced backblast area. Use the profile for […]


Shiner VIP protection UAV

The Shiner is a quadcopter UAV designed for VIP protection duties. A typical model is about half a yard in width. <di< span=""> </di<> The Shiner hovers several yards above the principal. In this position its camera feed may contribute to area surveillance. If there is a threat to the principal the Shiner drops down […]


Deunan Parahuman

“There are quite a few of the Deunans around here. You don’t really notice the bigger craniums since most of them have a good head of hair. They’re quite attractive once you get used to the big eyes. Funny thing is when I first saw them I had this nagging feeling of familiarity. Could not […]


Urban Combat: The Problem with Population

Master Corporal Chen paused on Hoon Street. He was certain. Carefully he entered the relevant code phrase: “luv yu Ginnie; Hunni” “That is the confirmation! No checkpoints on Hoon street! Tell first platoon to take route Baker. They have a clear run at the target!” In the 1940s, at the height of World War Two, […]


CLAW Cybershell

“Yeah. They are exactly the sort of thing you would expect the army to come up with. A lot of the guys call them CLODs rather than CLAWs. I’ve heard them called “pigs” or “doggies” too, but what they most resemble are pygmy hippopotamuses! Armored pygmy hippos! Heah, heah. “On the plus side, they are […]


The Batmen of Transhuman Space

One of Luna City’s top tourist attractions is the 1,000 foot diameter “flying dome”. Here the low gravity allows unmodified humans to strap on plastic wings and fly like birds. The dome is also frequented by Luna City’s 1,600 strong population of Chiroptians. For six hours of every day the flying dome is exclusively for […]


Firefly and Caccolube for Car Wars

German divisions were ordered to move from the south of France to oppose the landings in Normandy. Each division had several thousand vehicles so gasoline stations along the route were used to keep them fuelled. Many of the attendants of these stations were members of the French resistance who had been provided with devices codenamed […]


Ether Superiority

During the 20th century it was believed that conflicts were fought in the air, on the land and in the sea. By the 21st century it was recognized that a fourth environment, the electromagnetic spectrum was also significant. Gaining dominance in the EM spectrum, or “ether superiority” might be pivotal in future conflicts. As America […]


Weapons: Vesicant Pen

The vesicant pen is an ingeniously nasty device that may be found on these pages. It may be encountered in Transhuman Space (THS) or other scenarios. The vesicant pen looks like a large felt-tip pen or paint dauber. It contains a quantity of blister agent. For obvious reasons, the cap is airtight and this may […]


Vehicles: Cunegl Moon Hopper

A wide a variety of vehicles have been called “moon hoppers”. The name is perhaps most apt for the Rieter Cunegl. The cunegl is based on the observation that the hopping of a kangaroo is a very efficient means of locomotion. When hopping at speed the kangaroo’s body works somewhat like a pogo stick. As […]