
New Movement and Scatter System for GURPS

A hexagonal grid combat map is commonly used in GURPS. The conventions for using it are described in Chapter 12, Book 2 of the Basic Rules. Under these rules a figure must always face one side of a “hex”. If a figure wishes to move in a direction other than the principle six, this involves […]


Weapons: E-mag Commando Mortar

“The machine guns pin down targets for the mortars. The mortars drive out targets for the machine guns” The 60mm e-mag commando mortar is a common platoon-level weapon. It resembles a short tube (Holdout -4) with a carrying handle and a shoulder strap. The most obvious difference from older commando mortars is the large loading […]


Button Men in 2100

Human hunting and duelling are common themes in fiction. Recommended is Robert Sheckley's “Victim” series. “Victim Prime” even includes a Car Wars-style sequence. A version that may be well suited to Transhuman space is that of “Button Man”. Button Man (1992) was originally published in 2000AD, notable for being one of the few stories in that […]


Weapons: Bushcrow and Nutcracker

“That depends upon what class of weapons our future clients will want: Sparrows, Crows or Hawks?” was Oyama's cryptic reply. Oyama went on to explain that the supra-technology (ST) weapon systems being developed under Copp's direction were far in advance of the ET systems in service with the superpowers. They fell into three groups, named […]


Two Stories of Underwater Robots

For today’s blog I have decided to post links to two stories that may provide inspiration. The first is “The Wabbler”, written by Murray Leinster and published in 1944. The story is about an antropomorphized robot weapon. When you read of the Wabbler’s brain ticking, it is worth keeping in mind that at the time […]


Maynard Menschenjäger

“They look mighty odd, I’ll grant you, but they have the eyes of a hawk and the nose of a bloodhound. The poachers and smugglers hate them!” The Maynard Menschenjäger is a distinctive model of robot armoured tactical system (RATS) cybershell. Its body is a bi-convex disc that is triangular rather than circular in plan […]


Weapons: Saucer Grenades

Disc-shaped grenades date back to at least the First World War. They did not mature as a weapon system until several advances in technology had occurred. The first of these was improvements in explosives. More powerful explosives such as octonitrocubane allow for better use to be made of the saucer grenade’s limited capacity. The second […]


Bonzai Babies™

Few things are cuter than a toddler. All of us, at one time or another, have thought that it is a pity they have to grow up! Now, thanks to the latest cutting-edge technology, they do not have to! deSouza Bio-Cybernetics® is proud to offer: Bonzai Babies™ These state of the art bioroids are designed […]


Reconnaissance CATS

“What has the body of a cat, the head of an owl and the feet of a monkey?” Many military cybershells take animal-like forms. Many militaries and agencies make use of “reconnaissance CATS” (Cybernetic Autonomous Tactical Systems), cybershells the size and configuration of house cats. These are used in an infiltration, observation and reporting role. […]


Can I Smoke? Smoke on the THS-era Battlefield

Directed energy weapons, laser rangefinders, designators and electro-optical systems are common on the THS-era battlefield. Consequently smoke systems that can counter such threats have become increasingly important. During the fighting in the city of Grozny in the 1990s the Russians discovered smoke was vital and consequently “every fourth or fifth Russian artillery or mortar round […]