
GURPS Terradyne

Version 1.2 Before GURPS Transhuman Space (THS), there was GURPS (Space) Terradyne. Terradyne was written in 1991, so it is interesting to observe how the period it was written in has influenced the future depicted. For example, the USSR still exists on the Earth of Terradyne, although the book does predict a number of republics […]


Biomod: Tabi-Feet

“It’s OK, you can look. I call them my tabi-feet! My first half-century or so was not kind to my feet. Fallen arches, torn tendons, all sorts of stuff. When I got them fixed, I had this done as well. The original bones are still in there, but now the four lesser toes share one […]


Jet Seat: The Fast Route Home

“I will leave now. There is nothing you can do to stop me. There are three remaining escape rigs, and five of you. I imagine you have much to discuss!”   Another neat idea from vintage Look and Learn, in this case from 5th June 1971. Not much use for the military of the THS-verse, […]


The Channel Bridge

While I have used it a couple of times, I find the Channel Tunnel a little disappointing. I realize that this dates back to my childhood, when I had a couple of copies of a magazine called “Look and Learn”. In two of these were the second and third parts of a three-part article about […]


Grenade Launchers: The Spigots

“Rifle grenades are regarded as the rifleman’s most reliable weapon against tanks, pill boxes, and exposed enemy personnel. At first, they may seem to be too small to do much damage, but their power is far greater than appearances would lead us to believe.” Guidebook for Marines, Chapter 20, p.257 1951 Spigot-launched rifle grenades are […]


Grenade Launchers: Raining Rods

In my last blog I provided some details about the seldom considered subject of cup grenade launchers. I promised to give a similar treatment to spigot launchers. I had intended to include rod grenades in that post, but instead have chosen to give this subject their own post. Since very few movies have been set […]


Grenade Launchers: The Cup Dischargers

The grenade launcher section of GURPS High-Tech 4e p.142 primarily describes the “grenade gun”-type of launcher, such as the M203 or AGS-17. For other types of grenade launcher we need to look under “rifle grenades” on page 193. This makes the rather deceptive statement that “While this [a cup or spigot] is present, the gun […]


The Gamer's Guide to Radiowaves

“Here are your communication devices for Korea. Unlimited range, also equipped with audio surveillance system.” The quotation from “Black Panther” is typical of how communications are generally treated. The communicator is shirt-button sized object that is stuck in the ear (or occasionally behind it). If it does not have infinite range it is at least […]


Weapons: Laser Assault Cassette

Version 1.1 The laser assault cassette is an accessory for laser rifles. A C cell provides a laser rifle with 30 shots, which may be insufficient for many combat engagements. Under combat conditions the small size of a C cell may make replacing it problematic, especially if the user is wearing space-suit or battlesuit gauntlets. […]



From the Itinerarius (Vol.3) of Philip the Pedant: There is much misinformation about the people known as sciopods, skiapodes, monoscelans, monocoli, or, to the vulgar, monopods. They are seldom encountered outside of the hot countries, and appear relatively uncommon within them. Many assume them to be a myth or traveller’s tale. Sometimes attested to be […]