
Weapons: 7.5mm Machine Gun.

The most powerful long-range fully-automatic weapon that can realistically be considered as manportable in TS is the 7.5mm Machine Gun. A number of different models are made by different companies but all use the same ammunition and have similar features. Although modular designs most components are not interchangeable between models from different companies. 7.5mm Machine […]


Weapons: 6.6mm Rifle and 5mm BCR

Version 2.4 CaseInc, the developers of the 5.6mm caseless round, made their technical data widely available for a nominal fee. Most arms manufactures saw the wisdom in building weapons using this information rather than wasting time and resources developing their own caseless rounds. The result was that nearly every arms company offers weapons in 5.6mmCL […]


Weapons: Shotguns and 5.6mm Rifles

Version 2 Shotguns Shotguns are relatively common weapons and ammunition is often readily available, particularly in rural areas. Ammunition can be minifactured or even can be handmade. Tube-magazine or even double-barrelled guns are still popular with the more conservative hunters. Military and police use shotguns for firing both lethal and less-lethal ammunition. For combat roles […]


Weapons: 10mm Caseless and Enkidu

10mm Caseless The 10mmCLP round has become the standard for most THS military and police pistols and SMGs. A high-velocity medium-calibre round, its penetration gives it a reasonable capability against body-armour or cybershells, and its flat-trajectory aids accuracy. The 10mmCLP is a supersonic round, so subsonic ammunition is recommended if using a suppressor. This reduces […]


Weapons: 4mm Caseless

Version 1.3 This blog post will provide a variety of additional weapons for use in TS. I will start with the 4mm Caseless weapons, detailing both canon and new weapons 4mm Caseless The only major challenger to the 10mmCLP is the 4mmCL. The 4mmCL is the latest incarnation of a persistently reoccurring meme in ammunition […]


Unrest in the 60 States

In Transhuman Space Fifth Wave (THS:FW p.61) we are told that since 2095, numerous radical factions have been active in America. Many are the more aggressive advocates of the “People’s Power” pro-cyberdemocratic reform movement. Others champion related or different causes. The American establishment has been forced to fight a low-level counterinsurgency campaign in several of […]


Home Defence Sentry Guns

This is another idea for THS inspired by the TV series “Almost Human”. One episode was based around someone being killed by a home defence system. There was an obvious logical flaw here in that the computer systems in “Almost Human” (and THS, for that matter) were easily intelligent enough to distinguish between an armed […]



Spybirds are reconnaissance and surveillance robots that mimic real birds. Like real birds they fly by a combination of wing flapping and soaring. A combination of solar power and rechargeable power cells allow them to remain aloft for days at a time. At usual observation ranges they are nearly impossible to distinguish from actual birds. […]



Bumblebots are very small, flying surveillance and reconnaissance devices. Unlike the machines used in cyberswarms, they are usually used singularly or in small numbers. A typical bumblebot resembles a pyramid with sides of one centimetre. A leg is at each corner and at the peak is a spherical lens. Insect-like wings are mounted on the […]


Chrome Upgrade

Chromes were an element of the regrettably short-lived series “Almost Human”. They readily fit into THS as an genetic uplift template The Chrome Upgrade is often described as “the best genes that money can buy”. Chromes are engineered to be intelligent, attractive and healthy. As a marketing strategy, the price of the Chrome Upgrade is […]