I have been considering some of the practicalities of bringing tactical cybershells into action. A multi-legged system such as a Kumo-607 can probably move quite swiftly but will still be slower than a more conventional vehicle. Many tactical robotic systems such as cyberswarms and snakebots are smaller and slower than the Kumo so will also […]
Battlesuit Androids
I’m indebted to a friend of mine for reminding me of this concept. In one of Gene Wolfe’s “Book of the New Sun” series, Severian, the protagonist, encounters a spacesuit with an advanced AI. The suit can move around and manipulate objects without an occupant. It is effectively a hollow-centred robot and resents when Severian […]
According to some of my reading a spherical space habitat is the optimum with respect to containment of air pressure and mass-efficiency at providing radiation shielding. The shape also the likely result of construction methods such as the bubbleworld technique. The downside of a spherical habitat is that only a small proportion of the interior […]
Greyhounds, Couriers and Packets
Greyhounds (also known as couriers or packets), are relatively small space vessels. Greyhounds are used for the rapid transport of very high value individuals and materials. The passenger accommodation of a greyhound, if any, is very basic and passengers are typically transported in nanostasis. Most of the ship is taken up by the drive, fuel […]
Weapons: 40x225mm Super Forty
The CTAI CT2000, 40x225mmCTA Super Forty is a rival to the 50mm Supershot and appears currently to be the preference of the USMC and British Army. The Pyramid article suggests that it will arm IFVs and other vehicles till 2050. Given the British tradition of “making do” and defence cuts, it is likely vehicles with […]
When firing homing rounds they may take more than one turn to reach the target. Basic rules (p.B413) say to use any 1/2D figure as projectile speed but this doesn’t really work for small arms. The following values can be used instead to give a simple but reasonably realistic performance. Bullets get slower the further […]
Weapons: AKM and Maku
At the dawn of the 22nd century the AK-47/AKM still continues to soldier on. Most of the weapons in active use are minifactured or 3D printed replicas, of course, but the Kalashnikov is still a common sight in many of the remoter parts of the world or even off-world. Some have even been forged by […]
The Panyuan Badger is marketed as a full spectrum military vehicle and cybershell, suited for all operations from peacekeeping and internal security to major theatre war. Many military regiments and installations use Badgers for liaison, scouting and light patrol work. They are also popular with private security firms. Many police and sheriff departments hold a […]
Weapons: ASP 30mm Cannon
Version 1.1 The ASP was a 30mm cannon designed to fit any mounting that will take a .50 BHMG including the M3 ground tripod. The weapon is actually lighter than most 20mm and 25mm cannon. The ASP uses the same ADEN/DEFA 30x113B ammunition as the M230 Chain Gun fitted to the AH-64 Apache helicopter. These […]
Weapons: THS-era Hydra Rockets
The THS-era enjoys considerable advances in computing and miniaturization. Homing projectiles as small as 4mm are relatively common. New compositions of explosives make smaller weapons more powerful. It is inevitable that such technologies will be used to upgrade some older, well-established weapon systems. Hydra FFAR Rockets 2.75"/70mm rockets such as the current Hydra-70 still see […]