
Weapons: AKVs and Effectors

In the last couple of blogs I have considered some of the weapons available to spacecraft in THS. I have even suggested some new systems. All of these weapons have been relatively short-ranged. One of the features of space warfare will be that the enemy will often be visible at very great ranges. An modern […]


Particle Accelerators and Coilguns

Many of the space warships in Transhuman Space (THS) include neutral particle accelerators as part of their armament. In THS 3e ship-building rules particle accelerators were brought in 50 foot increments, the longest known example being 400 ft long. One of the reasons for the popularity of cylindrical hulls was that a linear particle accelerator […]


Defensive Weapons for Military Spacecraft

In my previous post I commented that a large military spaceship was more likely to look like the Graf Zeppelin than the USS Missouri. Another reason for this statement is that the spaceship will not be brisling with gun turrets and long-barrelled guns. The actual laser weapons will be mounted deep inside the ship where […]


Thoughts on Military Spacecraft: Part One

Any discussion of military spacecraft assumes there will be some reason or need to project military force off-world. In science-fiction, we often see spacecraft engaged in great space battles or conducting planetary invasions. I suspect that both of these situations will in reality be rather unlikely. One reason for this is military spacecraft are likely […]



Sometime after the First World War the roles of transport and bomber began to be met by differing designs of aircraft. There were exceptions to this general trend, of course. The Bristol Bombay was designed with a dual-role in mind. Some Ju-52 transport aircraft were fitted with bomb-bays so they could serve as interim bombers. […]



Most hand grenades used in the TS era are quite small. The magbomb is an exception to this. A magbomb is over a foot long and weighs 2.2lbs. The magbomb resembles a large flashlight in appearance and may be carried by belt rings designed for flashlights. The magbomb is a compact, handier alternative to the […]


Modular Battlesuits

Battlesuits and similar protection are usually depicted as being of a single thick layer. There are a number of reasons why this may not be the likely construction. A battlesuit would in fact be several concentric suits. The innermost layer would probably be some form of environment suit. The exact nature will depend on the […]


Sentry Monitors

Sentry monitors are a well-established technology. In societies where most security patrolling is conducted by cybershells they may even be regarded as being somewhat dated. A sentry monitor is a worn device that monitors the wearer’s body temperature and heart rate. They may be encountered being used by human security guards and soldiers on guard […]


RED Files

In the movie “Red” there is a scene where a character visits the CIA archives. The archivist (Ernest Borgnine) presents him with a cardboard folder filled with heavily censored documents. It is possible that this was intended to convey how old the files of interest were. It does, however, suggest the interesting possibility that some […]


Vehicles: RATS Transportation

I have been considering some of the practicalities of bringing tactical cybershells into action. A multi-legged system such as a Kumo-607 can probably move quite swiftly but will still be slower than a more conventional vehicle. Many tactical robotic systems such as cyberswarms and snakebots are smaller and slower than the Kumo so will also […]