
Weapons: More 4mm Weapons. Pocket Pistol and Rip-Gun

In a previous blog I described a number of 4mm caseless weapons. Here are two more, not found in official publications.  4mm Pocket Pistol The pocket pistol is intermediate in size between the service pistol and the mouse gun. Outside of military circles they are one of the most commonly encountered 4mm weapons. 4mm pocket […]


Tracers for Smart Ammo.

Light Up The Night! Pan-Pacific Arms is excited to announce that many of their ammunition ranges are now available in selectable tracer format. What is selectable tracer? Selectable means that tracer mode can be switched on or off just before firing. The same round can be used as either a tracer or non-tracer round. Just […]


Low Tech Spying in THS

“We got really lucky, and found this!” The small pad was only a few centimetres to each side. It appeared to be made from something thin and semi-transparent, like tissue paper. On each sheet were printed small letters, arranged regularly in groups of five. The back of Kent’s mind insisted he knew what this was, […]



“I guess to someone it must have seemed a good idea! Create a parahuman with faster maturation and reproductive cycle. Put a small population on a planet and watch it quickly grow into a sizeable workforce that could exploit the resources. Add some administrators and a security force and reap in the profits! “Wasn’t long […]


Cybershell: Tri-Raider Fast Attack

The Raider is an idea suggested by BAe. The designers freely admit that there inspiration included the Batmobile Tumbler from “Batman Begins”. The wheel arrangement permits a very small turning radius. By the Transhuman Space-era, a number of similar vehicles are in use by various armed agencies. They are more commonly referred to as “tri-raiders” […]



“I know what you mean. The vets' called them “gnomes”. The locals called them “gnomo”. Sometimes you hear “gnomu”. In most languages it is “gnome” or “gnom”. They're little robots, about a quarter of a metre or less. Most are like stout crabs or tailless lobsters; woodlice, perhaps. Some are like helmets with legs, like […]


Super-Earths and the Three Planet Types

When I was a boy, the existence of planets outside of our solar system had yet to be confirmed. There were some observations of Barnard's Star that seemed to suggest there was a planet there, but that was about it. Now we have confirmed the existence of more than 1,800 extra-solar planets, or “exoplanets”. Sometimes […]


Weapons: Crewed Infantry Support Weapon (CISW)

The 15/25mm CISW (Crewed Infantry Support Weapon), aka “Multicannon”, was developed by a Belgium company, although inspiration was obviously drawn from the much earlier American XM307 (High-Tech 4e p.144). As is not unusual on the THS worlds, a number of companies produce similar or identical weapons, with or without a license. The CISW is an […]


Memory Cubes, Cards and Holodisks

Version 3.5 Following my blog adding some depth to the subject of energy cells, I thought I might give a similar treatment to that of storage media. Transhuman Space 3e p.141: “Portable data-storage units are teradisks (TDs). Each holds 10 TB and is the size of a sugar cube. $5, 0.01 lb. Old holodisks are […]


Murder in Reno

Reno, Nevada, USA, Earth: 6th March 2099: “A gen-yu-iyne locked room mystery!” Carter announced. “Pretty much!” agreed Chang. “Cameras show no one leaving all night. Keycard log confirms it.” “Cameras and records can be hacked…” “True, but we also have views from independent cameras out on the street. Need to be very thorough to remember […]